Wine is not only a beverage; it is also a complex world. In order to select the perfect bottle and serve it right, you need to have some good, basic knowledge on the subject. Read on to learn some tips and pointers and to help you get started in the enjoyable world of the grape.
1. Pinot Grigio works great for the times you're eating seafood. This wine really helps bring the flavors of the food out to the surface. Besides Pinot Grigio, many other white wines taste good with seafood. It makes for a tasty combination when you pair white wine with seafood.
2. Cheap wine is not always as bad as one may think. If you want to find wine that tastes great and costs less, give Chilean wines a try. Lots of wines from this area can be had a great price points. You should try their Cabernet's and perhaps a Sauvignon Blanc. Other regions offering bargains are New Zealand, South Africa and Argentina.
3. Keep whites and reds in their proper glasses. A narrow glass is perfect for whites, keeping warm air away from the drink. Reds, though, should be in wider glasses with broad mouths. Therefore, a great deal of air can warm the wine and activate its flavor.
4. If you really love wine, consider traveling to wine country so you can see how wine is made firsthand. Wine country is visually stunning but also offers you the chance to learn a great deal.
5. Keep around a variety of wines. Limiting your options to only one type of wine does not make for much variety when company comes over. Having an array of different kinds of wine will ensure that your guests get a glass that they will fully enjoy.
6. Listen to wine experts, but do not allow them to dictate what you do. A good expert will admit that they don't know everything. Even someone who is very good does not have the same taste buds that you do. So, never take an expert's word on a wine over your own taste.
7. A useful tip in the wine realm is knowing how to get the label off of your wine bottle. The easiest way is to put your bottle inside the oven. Just as it starts to get hot, use your oven mitt to carefully remove the label.
8. You should always serve sparkling wines quite cold. If you drink these beverages at room temperature, the flavor will be compromised. Place your champagne in the refrigerator to chill it an hour or two before it is time to drink it.
9. If a trip to a winery is something you'd like to do, plan it well. Before departing, arrange for a designated driver and determine how much money you will spend. Draft some questions in advance and be prepared to articulate your preferences in wine.
It can be a lot to swallow at first when you're not able to know where to start in the world of wine. With a little research and a bit of experience, you'll be confident choosing wine in no time. Apply what you have learned here and you'll be sure to have a good experience with wine.